This Rocker stole my heart when I saw her. She belongs to a dear friend and it was her grandmothers. The piece was in very bad shape and required extensive repairs before I could start painting. Once repaired, I sanded ALOT, and primed. Base coat of GF Antique White then glazed with Van Dyke Brown Glaze, drybrushed with DB Fluff and Manatese. Topcoated with GF Flat out Flat. Seat was recovered with a burlap and rolled with a decorative Roller and Antique White.
Rhonda Dracoulis
Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
I am a wife to my best friend, mom to two incredible young women, a rodeo mom and a very passionate decorative painter. When not on the road to a rodeo somewhere or in the barn doing chores, you can find me in my studio painting. My favorite projects are old family antiques that are in need of some TLC so they can be reincorporated back into the families decor. I pour my heart and soul into every creative piece I paint and take great pride and joy in my work. I also thank my family who have always supported my passion and are my biggest fans.

Contest Entries
2017 Entries
Granny's Prayer Rocker
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category

Kendra's Salon Treasure
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
This piece was an inspiration from my daughter and her need for a large hutch in her salon. I was on a very strict timeline with this piece and I wasn't able to stage it appropriately. I started with GF Stain blocker on the entire piece then painted with a Base coat of custom grey followed by a coat of MM Silver Metallic and GF Pitch Black Glaze. Bottom doors were then foiled with a rose pattern, crackled, then glazed with GF Van Dyke Brown.

Turquoise and Copper Buffet
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
This is one of my all time favorite pieces. I love the color and texture combination. The piece came to me with a few needed repairs, mainly the top being in bad shape. Instead of repairing the veneer, I chose to add a texture. I used Artsiville texture medium and my decorative roller to create a faux hammered effect. Painted with MM Antique Copper, accented with AS Florance, added copper foil and glazed with GF Van Dyke Brown, sealed with GF High Performance Top coat. Body was painted with AS Florence then clear/dark wax dry brushed with MM Antique Copper.

Rodeo Champ
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
This was a super fun piece because I know the young lady in the photo transfer. Her father wanted me to create something special for her to remember her years of competeing in rodeo. The two photos are of her winning runs. The actual piece of furniture was painted with a custom mix of GF Chocolate Brown, and Antique White. Dry brushed with custom blend of AS Greek Blue then glazed with Van Dyke Brown. Doors were adorned with photos transferred with Miss Lilian transfer medium, and distressed. Entire piece clear and dark waxed.

Glitzy and Glamorous
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
Client wanted to add some Glitz to her daughters room by glamorizing a plain white vanity. This piece was in good condition, so all that was needed before I started painting, was a good cleaning and light sanding to scuff surface and primed. Entire exterior was sprayed with Lamp Black milk paint then edges were painting with Modern Masters Metallic Gold and then foiled. Crackle texture and black Glaze were used before spraying entire piece with GF High Performance Top coat with Mica Powder added for that little extra kick.

My Mothers Treasure
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
This lovely piece called tugged at my heart when a friend told me her family was just wanted to burn it because they didn't think it could be fixed. She explained to me that it was her mothers and she just couldn't destroy it. I was basically it's last chance. I took the challenge and jumped in with both feet.

Daddy's Rocking Horse
By Rhonda Dracoulis, Owner at RK3 Designs in Seguin, TX.
Winning Category
This little rocker was brought to me in bad shape, by an expecting mom wanting it redone for her soon to arrive, little cowboy. The rocker belonged to the expecting dad, who is now a professional Team Roper, when he was a baby. All I was told were the colors in the nursery, and that they wanted his initials on the horses hip. I was so excited and couldn't wait to begin.