I filled the rather large voids with a mixture of epoxy and French Roast coffee grounds. The whole project was sanded to 600 grit before applying 3 coats of EnduroVar, while still on the lathe. I lightly sanded with 600 grit paper after each coat, and ended by using the 3 step Beall buffing system (tripoli, white diamond, and carnauba wax).
Philip Wilson
Wilson's Woodturnings in Clearwater, FL.
I am a retired high school band director. I developed an interest in woodworking in the mid-80's, and began collecting tools. ;^) Eventually the lathe (a Jet mini) began to take over my available shop time. It was quite easy to talk myself into buying a beast of a lathe (a Powermatic 3520B) as a retirement present to myself! I love it, and all of the time I spend creating on it.