Found an inexpensive grandfather style clock on craigslist. I figured gray would be an excellent color for this piece. It wasn't until later I thought that this otomi paper from Spoonflower would be a great fit. What do you know they had gray! I used Queenstown gray and seagull gray milk paint for this piece. The seagull gray was mixed with a little white and used as a drippy wash all over. I also used some green patina milk paint to antique the brass hardware. Hope you like it!
Contest Entries
2017 Entries
Otomi Clock
Seahorse Chic
By Marc James at The Blue Fallow
Winning Category
Being an older piece I was worried about some bleedthrough so I covered the entire piece with some satin enduro-var urethane. Hope it works! The colors on this we're pretty interesting. I used milk paint! I started with a Queenstown gray base coat. I covered the lower portion of the chest and other areas that needed some darkening with a mixture of coastal blue and the green patina. I highlighted certain areas with persimmon and then did a thinner wash over the whole piece with a mix of patina green, halcyon blue, and Klein blue.