This maple salad bowl is 12" in diameter and 5" tall. I made this bowl out of some local wood that was destined to be turned into firewood. This bowl has a lot of interesting character including curly and flame.

Contest Entries
2017 Entries
Curly Maple Calabash Bowl
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category

Curly Maple Kalimba Thumb Piano
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
This was my first time trying to make an instrument. I followed an instructional video on how to make it, but altered the directions becuase I didn't have the recommended tools. I used a lathe and a bandsaw to make the whole instrument. I use the lathe to make the body of the instrument. I used a bandsaw to make the part that holds the tines. I made the tines out of and old metal rake. I finished the piece with a boiled lin seed oil. I tuned the tines with a note tuner on my phone.

Red Oak Natural Edge Bowl
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
This red oak bowl is 10" in diameter and 4" tall. I made this bowl out of some local wood that was destined to be turned into firewood. This bowl has a lot of interesting character and a lot of color.

Small Curly Maple Wood Bowl
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
This maple salad bowl is 4" in diameter and 2" tall. I made this bowl out of some local wood that was destined to be turned into firewood. This bowl has a lot of interesting character including curly figure.

Wooden Fidget Spinners
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
These are some wooden fidget spinners I made. They are 100% functional and have a bearing in the middle and on each side. I made them using a laser cutter to cut the main body and my lathe to make the finger pads. They are sanded to 400 grit and finished with boiled lin seed oil. These toys were quite the rage over the last couple months.

Beech Wood Trio Set
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
These beech hollow forms are made out of some local wood. They at have lots of color and figure.

Flamed Figured Maple Salad Bowl
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
This maple salad bowl is 15" in diameter and 4" tall. I made this bowl out of some local wood that was destined to be turned into firewood. This bowl has a lot of interesting character including curly and flame.

Maple Burl Hollow Form
By Charlie Hamilton at YoungWoodworker in Richmond, VA.
Winning Category
This is a maple burl hollow form. This was the first hollow form I ever made. It features a natural edge rim and unique design. For finish I used General Finishes High Preformance Polyurethane Semi Gloss Water Based Top Coat. I applied with a foam brush for the first coat. In between coats I sanded with 600 grit sandpaper, and than reapplied the finish. After 3 coats I called it done. I really like the stain semi gloss finish on this piece. The finish really brings out the figure in the wood as well as enhancing the woods natural colors.