I turned and hollowed a blank of Florida Cherry. I applied milk paint to the exterior with a sprayer to give it a almost porcelain appearance and a custom mix of milk paint on the interior. The rim around the opening was enhanced with the woodburner to give it a rope appearance. The size is aprox. 13" wide and 5" tall.

Contest Entries
2017 Entries
Florida Cherry Hollowform
Florida Cherry Bowl with Milk Paint
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I turned a large Florida Cherry bowl then I used a custom brand with my woodburner and I branded the exterior of the bowl. The exterior of the bowl was then sprayed with milk paint. The interior was finished with Arm-R-Seal and I sprayed the exterior with a matt sealer.

Ebonized Sycamore lidded Box
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small lidded box that was turned from sycamore. Then a basketweave texture was applied to the exterior and it was ebonized. I left the interior of the box natural to allow you to see the wood and offer some contrast. The lid is also sycamore with a live oak burl inlay some additional texture was added with a power carver. I applied Arm-R-Seal to the interior and exterior.The size is 4" wide and 3" tall.

Lidded Norfolk Island Pine Box
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small box that was turned from Norfolk Island Pine. After turning the box I handcut glass and fitted it to the exterior of the box. I also turned the lid out of the Norfolk Island Pine. The lid was turned super thin (1/8") so I impregnated it with Cyanoacrylate glue for strength. I applied an ebony offset knob on the lid. The box is aprox. 4" wide by 4" tall. I applied a coat of Arm-R-Seal finish to the exterior.

Spalted Bradford Pear Box
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I turned this small bow from Spalted Bradford Pear. The spalting takes a normally boring variety of wood into a swirl of color anf figure. The knob on the lid was turned from Ebony. The box has multiple coats of Arm-R-Seal

Spalted Florida Maple Vessel
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I turned this hollowform from Spalted Florida Maple. The beautiful colors and figure partly come from the spalting process. Spalting occours when the spalt fungus enters the wet wood and eats the sugars causing the additional color and figure. The vessel is 8" dia x 6" tall and is 1/8" thick. the exterior has multiple coats of Gel Topcoat -Satin then buffed.

Camphor Burl Hollow Form
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This hollowform was turned from a piece of camphor burl. The colors and figure are spectacular in this piece of wood The cap was turned from Florida cherry. The exterior was finished with multiple coats of Gel Topcoat and buffed. The size of the vessel is 11" tall x 8" wide.

Ebonized Florida Cherry / Live Oak Final
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I have taken a log section of Florida Cherry and turned and hollowed a vessel that is about 11" tall and 8" wide. I applied a basketweave texture to the exterior with pyrography(Woodburning), I also added additional texture with a power carver. I then took a slice of Live Oak Burl and made a lid. the exterior and lid were ebonized and the exterior was given a finish with Gel Topcoat.

Spalted Florida Maple
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a hollow 10" Diameter hollow form that was turned from Florida Maple that has spalted. Spalting creates septacular colors and figure in wood. Spalting occours when a spalt fungus enters wet wood and eats the sugars in the wood. The wood is not harmed or degraded. The exterior has three coats of Gel Topcoat. The interior is coated with flex epoxy and allows it too be used with water for flowers.

Florida Cherry Bowl Ebonized
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This bowl was turned from Florida Cherry. I then finished the interior with Gel Topcoat. The exterior was given a basketweave texture with pyrography(woodburning) and some additional texture was done with a power carver. The exterior was then ebonized black and given a matte topcoat. The size is 10" Dia. x 4" tall.

Bradford Pear Trivet with Dragonflies
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I started the project by turning a trivet out of spalted bradford pear. I then drew the design and hand cut locally made glass for the design of the dragonfly. I also made a stand for the trivet out of the Spalted Bradford Pear. The trivet is 8" in diameter by 1/2" thick.

Sycamore Vessel with Fish
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small vessel that was turned from sycamore. After turning I then etched the entire surface with fish and scales. I then used a thinned acrylic white on the exterior. I finished with the wipe on Gel Topcoat-Satin the size is 5" wide by 4" tall.

Mahogany vase with Dragonflies
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I have a vase that was turned from Mahogany. The exterior is covered in dragonflies that were drawn and then etched on the surface. I then went over the entire surface with a thinned Basil green milk paint. The interior was finished with Arm-R-Seal. the vase is 6 1/2" tall and 6" wide.

By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a vessel that was turned from Black Walnut. The legs are turned as part of the vessel and then I use a power carver on the legs to contour and shape. The vessel was spray painted with Basil Green milk paint. After the exterior was dry I used a large hypodermic needle and artist gesso to add the nubbies to the exterior. The vessel is approx. 6" tall and 5" wide.

Lidded Bleached Sycamore Vessel
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small vessel that was turned from sycamore, I then used a power carver to enhance the surface. Wood bleach was used to lighten the exterior of the vessel. I made the lid from spalted bradford pear. The spalting is a fungus the enters the wet wood and eats the sugars leaving the wood with streaks and colors. I did not bleach the interior so there would be some contract between the interior and the exterior and showing that it is indeed made from wood. The vessel is 6 1/2" wide and 4 1/2" tall.

Spalted Florida Maple Bowl w/ Textured Rim
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a Spalted Florida maple bowl that was turned thin and the rim was given a texture with pyrography( woodburning). The spalting gives the wood its colors and is caused by a fungus that enters the wet wood and eats the sugars leaving the color and streaks.The bowl is 9" Dia. x 5" tall and is 1/16" thick.

Lidded Basketweave Vessel
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a vessel that was turned from Florida Cherry. I turned a lid also out of Florida Cherry. The vessel was then given a basketweave texture with pyrography ( woodburning). I then used a small power carver to apply additional texture to the lid and the body. The vessel exterior was then ebonized black. the interior was left the natural cherry to offer contrast and show that it was indeed made from cherry. the size is approximately 6" tall and 41/2" wide.

Carved Florida Cherry Vessel
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a vessel that follows my typical timline for my embellished pieces. I will most often turn a piece allowing the wood to push me in a direction that will allow me to make the best use of this particular piece of wood. I get the piece turned and let it sit in the shop for a while until I decide how I want to complete. This piece was turned and then a couple of months later I sprayed it with milk paint then after another month I carved through the milk paint to reveal the natural cherry it was then topcoated with clear satin spray.

Turned Florida Cherry Cake Stand
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
I had a friend ask if I could turn her a wooden cake stand and I rounded up a piece of Florida cherry with this result. It was turned in two pieces and glued together. The Florida cherry has some of the most beautiful color and grain you will find and as it ages it gets even more patina and color. All of the wood that I use is recycled wood that was headed for my local landfill or fireplace. Even my scraps are used by a friend to smoke BBQ. the size was around 11" in Diameter and 6" tall.

Florida Spalted Maple Rolly-Polly
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small project that I do when I am doing a wood turning demonstration. This one is from a beautiful piece of spalted Florida maple that I got from a friend. The beautiful colors in this piece of Florida maple come from the spalting fungus that enters the wood and eats the sugars with the resulting streaks and color. The top rim was textured with a woodburner.This fungus does not deteriorate the wood. This Rolly-Polly rolls around until it finds just the right spot to stop. This wood the was headed to the landfil or someones fireplace. It is about 4" x4" by 1/16" thick.

Double Beaded Cherry Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a bowl that was turned from Local Florida Cherry. The Florida cherry has some of the most beautiful color and grain you will find and as it ages it gets even more patina and color. This wood is so smooth and feels great in you hands that you won't want to put it down. All of the wood that I use is recycled wood that was headed for my local landfill or a fireplace. Even my scraps are used by a friend to smoke BBQ. Size is around 12"dia x 8" deep x 3/16"Thk.

Beaded Florida Cherry Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This a bowl turned from Florida cherry with the exterior covered in beads top to bottom. The beads add some eye appeal and feel good when you pick up with you hands. The Florida cherry has some of the most beautiful color and grain you will find and as it ages it gets even more patina and color. All of the wood that I use is recycled wood that was headed for my local landfill or fireplace. Even my scraps are used by a friend to smoke BBQ. Size is aprox 10" dia. x 8" tall and 3/16" thick.

Spalted Florida Maple Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small bowl turned from Florida maple. The streaks of color in the wood is called splating and comes from a fungus the eats the sugars in the wood but does not cause any rot. The size is around 6" dia. x 4" tall.

Beaded Florida Cherry Salad Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a Florida Cherry salad bowl that I made for a friend. The wood used is still fairly light colored but will darken and gain a beautiful patina with use and age. It has one bead on the outside to give it some detail. It feels great when you handle and use it, you don't want to put it down.The Florida cherry has some of the most beautiful color and grain you will find and as it ages it gets even more patina and color. All of the wood that I use is recycled wood that was headed for my local landfill or a fireplace. Even my scraps are used by a friend to smoke BBQ.

Red Bay Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a small bowl that I turned from a small piece of Florida Red Bay with a slightly Asian influnce. Red bay trees are succumbing to a disease here in the South that is killing all of the trees. I was able to get my hands on a few small log sections.The wood has a beautiful color and grain. the size is around 4" x4" and 1/16" thick. It is very delicate and must weigh only a couple of ounces.

Beaded Cherry Salad Bowl
By Artisticturning, Owner
Winning Category
This is a cherry bowl turned from local Florida cherry. It has small beads to give some texture to the exterior it feels great tin your hands. The size is 12" dia x 12" tall x 3/16" thk. The Florida cherry has some of the most beautiful color and grain you will find and as it ages it gets even more patina and color. All of the wood that I use is recycled wood that was headed for my local landfill or fireplace. Even my scraps are used by a friend to smoke BBQ.