My sons soccer coach was looking for a new bedroom set, his wife had seen a picture I posted on FB about a buffet that I picked up. She wanted it. I said, please not white..she said, NOT WHITE, how about black. So I ordered up some Lamp Black and while was waiting it to be delivered I started the prepwork on this piece. I wanted to do a professional job so I set out to prime with Zinsser Shellac based primer - I had read so many horror stories about bleeding - NOW I KNOW, black doesn't matter usually if it bleeds, but whatever :) I asked Coach what his wife's fav color is and he said Tiffany blue, so I went and bought the closest match to Tiffany Blue that Home Depot could make.
I painted in the inside and sides of the drawers with that great color then set out to paint the buffet. it, in most everything but paint. Lots of coats to cover that white - shaking my head, never again will I make that mistake - but after a while it was looking awesome like all the rave reviews about Lamp Black paint. I heard good things about hemp oil over black, so what the heck, lets try was great! The top of the dresser was done with General Finishes HP Satin finish, about 3 coats.
They were also looking for end tables, so I found some with the same kind of feel and did the whole process over :) We were all happy with the finished product.