Rejoice with Rustic Faux

By Amanda Dillon, Artist at Mettle Modern Design in Navarre, FL.

These "rustic" filing cabinets were recreated from a finish in a photograph, emailed to me online, and a small drawer face the client removed from her brand new desk.  The project took many layers to create such a worn, rustic finish.  These pieces make me wan to curl up with a book and a blanket next to a fire!

Cleaned with a DNA prep, these pieces were sanded and primed with BIN.  The base color coat is GF French Linen, sprayed with an HVLP Titan Turbine Capspray 95.  I needed a glaze darker than van dyke brown, so I used GF water based walnut stain as glaze. Glaze was hand applied using a spong and rags. HPTC sealed the color, and then AS dark and black waxes deepened the shading.

Project Category

Upcycling Merit CategoriesBest Faux-Luxe

Products Used

  • BIN Primer
  • GF Linen
  • GF walnut water based stain
  • AS Dark and Black waxes

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