This Red Masterpiece is a scroll stopper! What was once a drab and outdated piece has received the makeover of her life! Painted in the perfect red with a coat of black glaze for added dimension. Her knobs and top decal have been adorned in gold leaf. The tabletop and small drawer tops received a new Java stain. This transformation will win over your ♥️
Red Masterpiece
By KT Lyons, Owner/Designer KT Lyons Design, Maple Grove, MN, Owner/Designer at KT Lyons Design in Maple Grove, MN.
Project Category
Products Used
- Waverly Crimson Chalk Paint
- Black glaze
- Gold Leaf
- GF Java Gel Stain
- GF Arm r Seal Oil Based Polyurethane
- GF HPTC water based Polyurethane Satin