I got this color, Sapphire, by Wise Owl, as a prize in a contest. I knew I wanted to pair that with something bright, just didn't know exactly what! After two coats of Sapphire, I dry brushed Greenery, by Wise Owl, on the legs. I wet wiped back a little bit of the blue in certain spots. This piece took a while to finish because it sat there, as I stared at it, thinking it needed something else. Ok, lets add some Sparkling Unicorn SPiT. I applied the dark blue to the entire piece to enhance that Sapphire underneath, so now there is a beautiful glittery sheen on top! Then I applied the pink sparkle spit to parts of the legs and the very bottom of the legs, almost like a dipped look. ......Still needed more! My heart wasn't done creating! I decided to gold leaf it in random spots. I didn't want this table to look perfect, I wanted it too look like the gold was chipping away. I then took some gold metallic acrylic craft paint and went over certain spots and also used that to apply half a stencil up top. The hardware was also gold leafed with a worn look. The piece was sealed in General Finishes Arm R Seal in Gloss to really achieve the shine for that Sparkling SPiT!!!
I'm so glad I decided to go away from the common greys, whites, blacks that I normally sell and really try something different. This piece is one of my bolder creations!