I acquired this honey oak bench with embroidered floral seat cushions in very good condition, but it just wasn't my style. I wanted to punch it up, and make this one look a little more modern and fresh! I've been obsessed with General Finishes Lamp Black milk paint, and this seemed the perfect piece to use, to crank up the Rolling Stones and Paint It Black.
I started off thinking I might paint it white (see the white paint in my Almost Before pic), but I wasn't feeling it.
Next, get some modern fabric and add some foam to make it a comfy bench! I realized while staging that this black and white combo goes with pretty much all colors, and I experimented with bright teal pillows, bright flowers, but in the end, the piece really stands on its own. I sold it to a lovely family who has placed it in their entryway and I hope it gets many years of love.