Help me..... Please?

By Rusted & Rescued, Owner

I heard the cries of this poor little metal cabinet the minute I arrived at the auction.  Rusty, dirt smathered, grease covered, spider web coated 1940s era metal enamel top cabinet. Ewww.  I hate when my husband says that.  I have an artists eye and can see the beauty beyond the dirt..(Hmmm sounds like a good book title, lol). Anyway, no one wanted her. Yeah me!!  Scored for almost free.  A little light scrubbing with some popular powdered cleanser and a razor blade to gently scrape the paint drippings off the enamel top.  So far so good.  Tons of elbow grease and several cleaning products later spiffed up the outside. Now....What color?  My grandmother had one of these that sat in her kitchen.  It housed my grandfather's pipe tobacco and matches, along with other items one might find in their grandparents junk drawer.

Yellow.  Buttermilk Yellow..... perfect.  Three coats should do it.  Perfect.  The inside was not as grubby as the outside, so Snow White it is, but only after a coat of primer.  Boom......

The customer that purchased her from me said that yellow was not a color she normally would have purchased but she just loved it because it too reminded her of her grandmother.



Products Used

  • GF Buttermilk Yellow Milk Paint
  • GF Snow White Milk Paint
  • GF Lamp Black Milk Paint

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