I restored this amazing vanity that was originally painted green. First step was stripping it, sanding it, cleaning it and then painting! I predrilled holes and added vanity lights in the two areas were side mirrors were originally. Painted it black while adding light distressing throughout. Sealed it with some annie sloan wax to enrich the colors and then buffed it out with a high speed buffer. Turned out pretty neat and look at that burl wood they had painted over...wow!
Light It Up
By The Refurbished Heart, Owner & Artist at The Refurbished Heart - Furniture Restoration & Design in Highlands, TX.
Project Category
Products Used
- GF Lamp Black Milk Paint
- Behler Spray Toner
- GF Brown Mahaghony Stain
- Peacock Colored Chalk Paint
- 4 sets of 3 bulbs- Lowe's Vanity Bulb Set of 3
- Annie Sloan Clear Wax
- Annie Sloan Black Wax