Kimberly McClure/Sparrow Furniture Restoration and Art, LLC
in Colorado Springs, CO.
Sparrow Furniture Restoration and Art, LLC | Faith•Family•Furniture is a business that loves to giving old worn out furniture new purpose and life. We are dedicated to showing the world Jesus, through our words and actions. To God Be the GLORY!
My name is Kimberly, and I am the soul owner and operator of Sparrow Furniture Restoration & Art. My loving and supportive hubby and I have been married for 5 years now. I am the mother of two sweet babies, a 2 year old girl and a 4 a year old boy. I have always been the artsy type. It all started at 8 years old when I didn’t like the dress options for my Babies. So I began to design and sew my own Barbie wardrobe and I have been about making the world a more beautiful place ever since. I received my bachelors degree in Graphic Design from Pensacola Christian College, in 2011. Since then I have worked as a book cover designer, in Radio air time sales, at Kay Jewelers and as a copy and print specialist among other things.
I uncovered my love for furniture restoration in a 400 Ft house in the backwoods of ND. I found the good bones of a beautiful chair in a dumpster. I decided to reupholster and refinish it. Ever since then, I find things that were once beautiful, remake or re-imagine and give them new life. After moving to Orlando so my husband could continue his education, Sparrow became a reality. I had a 10x10 patio in the back off our apartment that I call my she shed. I use my space to do everything from painting on canvas to reupholstering, to sawing and sanding. After my husband graduated, the Lord brought us back to CO where we met. I have upgraded to our two car garage as my work space. I love it!
The name for Sparrow, was inspired by the gospel song His Eye is On the Sparrow and Matthew 10:29-31, which both say His eye is on the sparrow and He watches over me. I am a born again Christian and my goal in life, which carries over to my business, is to lead other to see the love, Christ has for them by dying on the cross. Just as He makes people new, I make furniture new again!
My dream is to one day possibly own a store front space, where people can come and get one of a kind pieces that bring beauty and life to their homes, take classes, and learn to bring things back to life with some TLC. I currently sell my pieces on Facebook, @ Sparrow Furniture Restoration, 5Mile, Offer Up on Craigslist, FB Marketplace, and other FB groups. Our next big step is to start shipping all over the country. Please Like Share and Follow my page. There are so many beautiful pieces I have yet to do and I would love for you to join Sparrows journey!