BB Frosch

Gold Sponsors

Since 2013, BB Frosch has been the affordable and premium alternative to pre-mixed chalk and mineral paints. Our unique blend of minerals is specially processed to easily mix with ANY brand and ANY color of flat latex or acrylic paint to give it all the benefits of pre-mixed chalk/ mineral paints. BB Frosch not only means affordability and endless color choice, it means no waste, since you mix up only as much paint as you need. BB Frosch helps paint bond to virtually any surface including wood, metal, laminate, plastic, fabric, and morewithout the prep work (no sanding, priming or strippingjust start painting!) It also makes paint highly manipulatable, which means it distresses easily, it can be thickened or thinned for additional techniques, it can be applied with a brush, or used in a sprayer...the possibilities are truly endless! We offer a full line of affordable chalk-painting products including powder, specialty brushes, finishing waxes, and all-inclusive kits. We also offer tutorials, and workshops that will inspire you to transform anything and everything from furniture and cabinets to home decor and craft projects. Our motto is to leave people and furniture better than we find them!

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