Say hello to Oz! -- This piece is so fun and totally on trend. It's an antique Eastlake three drawer chest that's been flipped into one of the hottest looks of today. The solid wood body was painted with Emerald Milk Paint and then Glaze Effects in Pitch Black was added to give Oz that funky grunge edge. The original pulls were swapped out for cool new gold hinged pulls. The top is gorgeous sleek white marble, which adds so much versatility to the piece. The three dovetailed drawers have been lined with a black and white striped specialty paper to tie the whole look together.
Oz - the geat and powerful
By Janelle Goodie, Owner/Designer at The Goodie Girl Shoppe in Redlands, CA.
Winning Category
Products Used
- Emerald milk paint
- Pitch Black glaze effects
- Satin high performance topcoat