An antique child size rocker and rusty crusty wings are the foundation of this great garden rocker. The wings are created by a dear friend. I added Pearl metallic patina, sealed them and attached them to the rocker.
The rocker is painted a base coat of antique white. I watered down Emerald Green to create a wash. I wet distressed and then sealed the entire piece.
This is staged in my neighbor's garden but will soon be moving to my Mothers home. On August 5th, my Mom turns 91. Gardening is her hobby, her therapy and her bone mass building exercise. I know she'll love it and like Mom's often are, she'll be proud to learn it was entered in General Finishes Contest. I am blessed to still have this wonderful woman in my life. If only she could garden year round. Minnesota's cold and snow deters that. My hope is in the Winter the birds will gather on Irma's Winged Rocker.