A neighbor asked me if I wanted this table, he was giving it away, and I said YES!! Something I can paint. :) I started out painting the top black. It has two coats. I sanded lightly after each. I waxed with clear wax, then brown, but didn't like how it turned out. So I added another two coats of black. I then Mod Podged the burlap ribbon around the edge. There are six coats of GF HQTC, very light sanding in between, with the last coat much thicker.
The blue-gray on the chairs is a combination of many different colors. I mixed what I had. Love the color! Painted it with a good solid two coats of the blue-gray, with heavy sanding for distressing, then dry brushed some white on. Sanded. Then almost a wash of the blue gray...very watered down. Waxed with clear, then buffed. Waxed with brown then heavily buffed.
The seats and pedestal I changed the technique wanting it to look a little smoother. So I painted over with the blue-gray, then while it was wet added some white in certain spots and blended. Every few minutes I would add a little more white chalk paint and blend until I finally liked the outcome. I waxed it with clear wax and buffed.
I found some metallic paint that I wanted to add to the table, because although it was gorgeous, it was too plain. I rubbed some copper in and then went over some of that with black shimmer. Toned this down with another coat of black chalk paint. I sanded once more and after three more coats of GF HQTC it looks fantastic.